About Us


     Thank you for visiting Kinetic Arc Metalworks.  We are a small, family owned home based business located in Southeast Idaho.  Living in close proximity to vast amounts of public land, gives us great opportunity for all different types of outdoor recreation.   We enjoy Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Biking, and all types of Off-road pursuits.  And, of course, we enjoy shooting, hunting and reloading!   From these activities, our product line has evolved.  From the need to organize our own reloading space, the Dillon XL650 toolhead rack idea developed.  From there the list of reloading storage solutions has only grown.  From our love of the outdoors, rustic custom signs and wildlife ornaments grew.   While we still do a bit of custom work, our focus has been on the reloading storage products.  We strive to build quality items that are not only strong and functional, but are aesthetically  pleasing!  If we wouldn’t hang “it” in our reloading space, we sure wouldn’t expect anyone else too!

We take great pride in each product we produce.  And of course we are proud to be “Made in the USA”!   Send us a message if you have any questions, we would love to hear from you!

Thank you for your business!

The Case Family

Kinetic Arc Metalworks


2 thoughts on “About Us

  1. I received my Lock & Load die rack yesterday and just wanted to convey my compliments on your product. It is truly a beautiful example of innovative design and quality in American manufacturing, and stands out as such in the reloading equipment marketplace. The price would be a bargain for a lesser quality item.

    If you have used the Hornady Lock & Load product, you know that the dies with adapters installed no longer will fit in the furnished die box. You are left to buy Hornady special larger boxes at $13 a piece. So I spent $90 including tax and shipping, but saved about as much in the process. And I have this this beautiful thing on my bench. There is art in manufacturing.

    After buying this wall mounted rack on ebay, I found your website and bought the bench mounted unit and the 5 die wall mounted rack. I de-prime before sizing and neck expand in a separate step on a dedicated old Rock Chucker. This will keep those dies close at hand.

    I shall enjoy your fine product every time I reach for a die.


    JB Noble
    Fletcher, NC

  2. Hello Case Family,
    Thanks for paying such good detail to your products! I’ve ordered in the past the Dillon 550 racks (2) there featured in you gallery pictures too. I’m a woodworker & can appreciate your good workmanship! Reading more about your family run business is really great to see too. & Idaho is one of my favorite states! keep up the good work so I can keep telling others about you!
    Thanks Again
    Aurora Oh.

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